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The Issues

Homemade Remedies
Woman Stalked in Garage

Reproductive Healthcare

We must  preserve a woman's right to body autonomy, and the valuable services such as breast cancer screenings and family planning offered by Planned Parenthood. We must prevent targeted restrictions on abortion providers (TRAP laws) which limit access and impose costly and medically unnecessary requirements. 

Legalization of Marijuana

 It’s time. Legalizing marijuana for retail sales will allow safety standards in the production, distribution and sales of cannabis products; reduce ‘black market’ products; and provide much needed revenue, a portion of which must be committed to prevention education, just as we do with proceeds from alcohol sales. We need carefully researched policies to implement a retail marijuana program.

Reasonable Gun Safety Legislation

Extreme risk protective orders (ERPO) and background checks on all gun sales save lives and prevent tragedies. It's time to overrule the governor's heavy handed veto pen, and allow legislation supported by the majority of New Hampshire residents to become law. 

Issues: Issues
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