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  • lwarnock62

Empowered Women Empower Women 07.13.20

I moved to N.H. as a single woman in 1984 and soon after became involved with the YWCA in Manchester. They were recruiting Crisis Line volunteers so I signed up for the required 40 hour training which allowed me to take monthly shifts answering calls from women struggling to find help in abusive situations, or needing support following an assault. Over time I became part of the training staff and Speakers Bureau, promoting the work of the Crisis Service and the needs of the emergency shelter.

Often I’d speak to church groups and women’s organizations and I’d share a ‘wish list’ from the shelter. I’d arrive to find a generous collection of diapers and detergent, toilet paper and tooth brushes, the practical necessities which were always welcomed - still are. Just as often, however, there’d also be a small box with makeup and moisturizer samples, pretty soaps and little things that were gestures of the woman to woman connection in the work of the YW, the recognition that this could, whatever our age, education or economic status, be any one of us.

I led a multidisciplinary team of police, prehospital and hospital providers to create a curriculum on sexual and domestic violence for first responders which became part of a national pilot for the Family Violence Prevention Fund. I’ve created curricula on child and elder abuse, working with the attorney general’s office to coordinate with their guidance. I wrote the original state EMS protocols on these topics and as a member of the NH EMS Bureau’s Protocol Review Committee I continue to revise them, most recently to include signs and symptoms of strangulation, which has been elevated to a felony in N.H., in recognition of its indication of increasing lethality in a relationship.

I no longer volunteer on the crisis line, but I’m on my second tour on the YW’s Board of Directors, and so proud of the work they are doing, not only in empowering women but also in fighting racism and supporting new Americans in partnership with SNHU. My relationship with the YWCA NH has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my adult life. And btw, there are plenty of ways for _you_ to get involved if you’re interested! Message me, or check them out on Facebook or their website.

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